3D printed enclosure

We are currently working on the new version of our BeagleBoard-xM based robot. The main reason for redesign was the lack of wheel encoders which prevent us from developing more sophisticated navigation algorithms. That is why we decide to use Dagu Rover tracked chassis. However, not all our electronic could be fit in to the chassis, hence the need for additional enclosure on top of it.
After couple of experiments with standard plastic boxes, we decide to design and 3D print our own custom enclosure. The following pictures are the very first concept ideas developed by great 3D designer Sungreen, who also developed 3D model for our cockpit application.
3D model of the Dagu chassis
Concept enclosure on top of chassis

We need to place BeagleBoard and other parts inside

It is surprising how hard it is to find precise mechanical drawings for typical hobby electronic parts. Neither BeagleBoard, nor ultra-sonic range finders as well as many other components have mechanical drawings which are easy to find in the Internet. So currently we are measuring and drawing sketches for all our mechanical and electronic components. As soon as we are done, we hope that our 3D printer will arrive and we can start experimenting with it. So stay tuned if you like to see how the enclosure will finally looks like.
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  1. Hi Andrey, I just read this post of yours! I am actually a student currently studying robotic engineering and we are currently doing a project using the Dagu Rover illustrated in your post!! Also, as you expressed in this post, we are finding it very difficult to find precise drawings for hobby electronic parts!

    I was wondering if you might be able to help us with a CAD model of the Dagu Rover 5?
    Please shoot me an email to davomims@gmail.com
    Your time and help would be very appreciated!

    1. Hi Mimery,

      Glad to hear that you find our project useful.
      All our 3D models are made with Blender and could be found here:

      You might also be interested to take a look at our main web-site: http://veterobot.org. In particular, http://veterobot.com/buildyourself.html provides more details on different parts of our robot.


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